In 2004 Lochs and Glens Holidays purchased the Ardgartan Estate on the shores of Loch Long and began the 8 year journey to complete the Hotel. After 6 years of negotiation with the planning authorities construction began in the spring of 2010. After 2, 300 tons of concrete, 12 miles of wallpaper, 6,000 square metres of carpet, 784 chairs and 234 beds the Ardgartan Hotel welcomed its first guests in July 2012.

The Ardgartan Estate lies at the bottom of Glen Croe in the county of Argyll. The Estate had original ties with the Clan Campbell whose lands, from medieval times, extended across Argyll. The medieval building was destroyed at the end of the 18th century and was replaced with a well-appointed three storey home. With an interior plunge pool, complete with marble steps, a drawing room, dining room, 5 bedrooms, a large kitchen and accommodation for servants, Ardgartan House was a grand building for it's day.
The Campbells maintained ownership of Ardgartan for over 500 years until it was sold in the 1880s. Thereafter it changed hands several times, finally becoming the property of the Scottish Youth Hostel Association in 1936. In 1968 the old building closed and a new 82-bed Scandinavian-styled hostel was erected. The old house was demolished and the new hostel was built to the south-west of the original premises. This building was in operation until 2001 but the decline in hostelling, coupled with high maintenance costs were cited as the reasons for its closure. By the time Lochs and Glens Holidays acquired the site in 2004, the building was in a state of disrepair – derelict, damp and vandalised.
At the end of 2009 the derelict youth hostel was demolished and construction work began. After 8 years of planning, negotiation and construction the hotel finally opened its doors to Lochs & Glens customers on the 20th July 2010.